less than 1 minute read

The main aim of this project is to use Linear regression in order to figure out how to maximize the Yearly Amount spent by the customers on the basis of some features like Length of Membership,Time on App,Average Session Length,Time on Website.I used FastAPI for an application programming interface and Finally creat Docker of Customer to deliver project.

Step1: Save model and load this model during FastAPI creation.

Step2:Create a FastAPI file and write some code inside this file to show output and API creation.For this we have to load FastAPI

Step3: Create a virtual environment and work under a virtual environment.

Step4: Generate requirement.txt file in which all required modules are stated.

Step5: Create dockerFile in which we have to give some commands to run some file and code.

Step6: Finally create a Customer Docker image ,the location of the docker image in the local machine is /var/lib/docker/.



