Attendance System
Attendance System Using Face_recognition,OpenCv,Cmaker,dlib,numpy and other python inbuilt library such as os and datetime.
Step1::Download Microsoft Visual studio 2019 and install C++ related library to support dlib toolkit.(If you have already installed Vs-Code then install C++ related library from vsCode)
step2:Install Cmake using pip install cmake(CMake is designed to support complex directory hierarchies and applications dependent on several libraries. )
step3:: Install dlib using pip install dlib(The dlib is a C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools.We used dlib for face detection and facial landmark detection.The frontal face detection in dlib is simple,fast and powerful)
step4:: Install face_recognation using pip3 face_recognation(The face_recognition library is super easy to work with and we will be using this in our code. First, remember to install dlib library before you install face_recognition.)
step5:: Install numpy(NumPy is an open-source library for the Python programming language. It is used for scientific computing and working with arrays.)
step6:: Install OpenCv(OpenCV is a video and image processing library and it is used for image and video analysis, like facial detection, license plate reading, photo editing, advanced robotic vision, and many more.)
step7::Creat .csv file from vsCode or download .csv file and use it.