


less than 1 minute read

πŸ“ Build Pycoral object detection module built on top of TensorFlow Lite Python API. The use of Coral USB Accelerator, Depth Camera D415 is carried out to acc...


less than 1 minute read

πŸ“ Develop face module consists of various packages such as Face Capture, Face Annotation, Face Encoding, Face Detection and Face Recognition. The use of the ...


less than 1 minute read

πŸ“ Linear Algebra,Probability,Statistics and Calculus for Machine Learning.


less than 1 minute read

πŸ“ Beautiful Soup web scraping uses intelligence automation methods to get thousands or even millions of data sets in a smaller amount of time, Stemming, Lemm...


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πŸ“ Building a knowledge graph from the text scrapped from articles.


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πŸ“ Rasa is an open source machine learning framework for automated text and voice-based conversations. Understand messages, hold conversations, and connect to...


less than 1 minute read

πŸ“ The main aim of this project is to use OCR techniques in order to Convert Scanned Photos, Pdf, handwritten images into a digital format which is readable, ...


less than 1 minute read

πŸ“ The main aim of this project is to use Linear regression in order to figure out how to maximize the Yearly Amount spent by the customers on the basis of so...


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πŸ“ Spam classifier program in python which can tell whether a given message is spam or not!….I used FastAPI for an application programming interface. It helps...


less than 1 minute read

Math Behind ML and DL Algorithms:Linear Regression,Polynomial Regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression, Logistic Regression, NaΓ―ve Bayes, Decision Tree...


less than 1 minute read

Sampling Techniques-HandelingImbalancedDatasets-FeatureCreation-Model Selection-Machine Learning Pipeline.


less than 1 minute read

The bank and financial institution loan can be classified according to the overdue of the credit period.

Facial Recognition

less than 1 minute read

Facial Recognition System using python opencv,numpy and os library.

Attendance System

less than 1 minute read

Attendance System Using Face_recognition,OpenCv,Cmaker,dlib,numpy and other python inbuilt library such as os and datetime.

Text Classification

less than 1 minute read

πŸ“ Text Classification and Clustering With Machine Learning and NLP(Natural Language Processing).

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